Monday, June 8, 2009

Letter to PSD Director General

I went to the Public Service Department headquarters in Putrajaya this morning to submit one specific appeal case from Seremban and submit another letter to the DG to solve the PSD Scholarship's problem. I felt great injustice to top students who failed in their application especially those who scored 12 A1 and yet did not able to get the scholarships.

To our dear Prime Minister, please prove us wrong that your "One Malaysia" slogan is just mere rhetoric!

My letter as below:

8 Jun 2009

Tan Sri Ismail Adam
Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia
Blok C1-C2, Kompleks C
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
62510 W.P Putrajaya

Tan Sri,


Dengan segala hormatnya saya merujuk kepada perkara yang tersebut di atas.

2. Seperti yang Tan Sri sedia maklum, isu biasiswa PILN JPA pada tahun ini telah menimbulkan pelbagai reaksi daripada ibu bapa dan pelajar-pelajar yang mendapat keputusan cemerlang dalam SPM 2008 namun gagal mendapat biasiswa JPA. Walaupun saya sedia maklum bahawa keputusan untuk kes-kes rayuan telah diumumkan beberapa hari yang lalu, namun masih terdapat ketidakpuasan hati dan keraguan dalam isu biasiswa ini.

3. Isu yang paling meragukan ialah mengapa ada di kalangan pelajar-pelajar cemerlang yang mendapat 12 A1 gagal mendapat biasiswa tersebut. Keraguan ini disebabkan bahawa pihak JPA telah mengumumkan 20% daripada 2,000 biasiswa PILN atau 400 biasiswa ditawarkan berdasarkan meritokrasi iaitu melihat keputusan akademik yang paling cemerlang dan tidak mengambil kira faktor-faktor lain. Namun, mengikut statistik Kementerian Pelajaran, pelajar SPM 2008 yang mendapat 12 A1 ke atas adalah kurang daripada 300 orang pelajar. Jadi, mengapakah masih terdapat pelajar cemerlang 12A1 yang gagal mendapat biasiswa tersebut dalam kategori merit? Kita menyeru pihak JPA mengumumkan penjelasan dalam perkara ini dengan sejelas-jelasnya.

4. Pergerakan Pemuda Sosialis DAP (DAPSY) ingin membuat 2 cadangan kepada pihak JPA untuk menyelesaikan isu biasiswa pada tahun ini iaitu:

a) Menyiasat semula semua kes pelajar yang mendapat sekurang-kurangnya 12 A1 yang gagal mendapat biasiswa PILN dan menawarkan biasiswa PILN kepada semua pelajar tersebut yang masih tidak berjaya dalam rayuan mereka.

b) Semua pelajar cemerlang yang mendapat sekurang-kurangnya 9 A1 ke atas yang gagal mendapat biasiswa PILN 2009 ditawarkan biasiswa Program Ijazah Dalam Negara supaya mereka boleh terus menyambung penggajian di IPTA atau IPTS tempatan.

5. Kami amat berharap pihak JPA akan menerima cadangan-cadangan ini untuk menyelesaikan isu biasiswa JPA ini yang telah menimbulkan pelbagai reaksi negatif daripada pelajar-pelajar dan ibubapa mereka.

Sekian dimaklumkan. Terima kasih.

Berkhidmat untuk rakyat,




OneMalaysia said...

Well done , YB Loke ! ON behalf 0f excellent students 12A1 ,my heartfelt thanks if you are successful in the appeal ! Similarly, for the other students if they are offered the local scholarships !

Lee Wee Tak said...

My whole families' vote for you not wasted!

Bravo, YB Loke.

This annual pleading scene shows how our caring government treat their best human capital; subjecting our best and brightest into humiliation and desperation

Political consideration exceed common sense, justice and real benefits to the people

I think all and any religion would have disagree with what been going on for decades....

Lee Wee Tak said...

For those crying and pleading ones, stop being a wuzz and move on...

life is never fair and Rocky said, "it ain't matter how hard you are hit, it is about how you get up after you are hit."

just remember to vote when you are old enough and by GOD, get as many as your friends and enemies to make the right vote

Gedong Lalang said...

Syabas dan tahniah YB Loke kerana mengemukakan rayuan bagi pihak pelajar pelajar cemerlang yang mendapat 12A dalam SPM. Jika mengikut proses biasa pelajar pelajar tersebut memang layak untuk mendapat biasiswa JPA untuk melanjutkan pengajian mereka.

Apa yang menyedihkan setiap tahun pelajar pelajar cemerlang ini akan menjadi mangsa perbuatan JPA. Ramai pelajar pelajar kurang cemerlang diberi biasiswa untuk melanjutkan pengajian mereka.

Sepatutnya JPA bersikap telus dalam pemberian biasiswa agar dapat melahirkan graduan graduan yang lebih dinamik dan effisyen. Sikap pilih kasih JPA akan membawa banyak keburukan kepada sistem pelajaran dinegara ini

OneMalaysia said...

YB Loke, It is disgusting to note that the minister has answered YB Kit in the cabinet yesterday that the selection for JPA scholarships is very fair ! Since the JPA , the chief secretary and all those concerned have said that the selection is fair, why are they not releasing the list to be transparent ? Why????? Really cannot understand ! This simple act will show how fair it is !It is no use explaining that there are limited places but large number of applicants ! Just show the list , ok ?

OneMalaysia said...

YB Loke, The letter written by Tan Hao Chong from JB to YB Kit highlighting that students of poorer results were randomly selected by JPA in an attempt to confuse the public is indeed very true !Tan scored 11A1 and 1A2 but was not offered any scholarship even after he appealed the second time. I have heard that students ( non-M )who were rejected and did not bother to appeal because their results were not that good were shocked to find out that they were given the overseas scholarships last week ! So, can you tell me why JPA is doing that ? True, to confuse the public ! JPA will point out these cases to you when you complained that they are not fair , simple as that !

Just get JPA to release the list and we will tell the whole world whether the selection is fair ! Simple, right ?